Early Years Resources
Fantastic discounts from a range of Early Years suppliers.

Resources and great discounts from early years suppliers
Early Years Products
As a Morton Michel policyholder you are entitled to fantastic discounts from a range of Early Years suppliers.
Innovative educational resources for schools, teachers, nurseries, childminders and parents.
Ministry of Colours
Supplier of safe, non-toxic colour powder and accessories, supplying charities, school colour runs, colour parties, and more!
Exclusive 15% discount for all Morton Michel policyholders!
My First Five Years
My First Five Years is a child development app for parents and practitioners, founded by Jennie Johnson and Alistair Bryce-Clegg.
A standard 14-day trial plus an additional 90-day trial FREE of charge for the first 500 Morton Michel policyholders to sign up!
RainbowSmart App
RainbowSmart app brings the 1decision award-winning Early Years resources home for parents, carers, and childminders to use with their young learners. Once you download the App via Google Play or the App Store, you’ll have access to four different zones: cartoons, read-to-me storybooks, vocabulary flashcards and mindfulness videos - FREE for the first 7 days!
7 day FREE trial for RainbowSmart and 50% discount for Early Years settings!
A comprehensive app, designed by a childminder for childminders, nurseries and pre-schools.
Cradle covers all statutory paperwork needs as well as having lots of useful extras to support you in running your business completely paper free. 10% discount for Morton Michel policyholders.
My NameTags
High quality nametags for children's clothes and items.
Wild Fangs
Wild Fangs is an educational animal encounters company, bringing exotic animals into your setting. They specialise in delivering interactive, educational and entertaining sessions on the natural world, using live animals.
10% discount on a 1 hour animal encounters session.
My Mood Stars
My Mood Stars help the emotional and personal development of young children
20% discount for Morton Michel policyholders on My Mood Stars, helping children to express their emotions.
Tidy Books
Tidy Books Box displays kid’s books front facing. The simple design makes books fully accessible - it’s easy for kids to pick out books by themselves and get reading!
15% discount on the award-winning Tidy Books Children’s Bookcase and portable Tidy Books Box.
Creative Steps Magazine
Creative Steps provides childminders, nannies, nursery teachers, pre-schools and anyone involved in early years’ childcare, with many, easy to carry out craft projects and creative activities.
Love Writing Co.
The Love Writing Company is on a mission to help children Love Writing from the start. They want to make it fun, we want to make it engaging and most of all make it easier for children to learn to write.
Discounted writing pencils and erasable colour pencils specifically developed for children.
Dinosaur Douglas Books
Written in rhyme by children’s author Heather Maisner, with input from Paediatric Consultants at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, and illustrated by international artist Alex Godwin, these books are ideal for PSHE and literacy.
The Children's Traffic Club
An award-winning road safety and active travel club for under 5's.
10% off the Let’s Go pack, the first road safety and active travel book for under 5s, blending the wonder of augmented reality (AR) with a traditional book.