Be safe on the roads this winter

Be safe on the roads this winter
Tips to help motorists get through the winter months and make driving as safe as possible
Driving in bad weather...
Before your journey
• Clear any snow from your windscreen and roof before you set off - snow can slip down onto the windscreen and obscure your view
• Make sure your lights are clean before you set off
• Always keep at least a quarter of a tank of fuel in case of unexpected delays
• Plan your journey in advance and try to stick to the main roads wherever possible
• Check the latest weather conditions.
During your journey
• Avoid sudden steering or braking
• Watch out for changes in road elevation, where objects at the side of the road shade the carriageway and side roads that may not have been treated
• It’s not always obvious that the road is icy, look out for warning signs such as ice on the pavement or if your tyres are making virtually no noise on the road it could be a sign that you are driving on ice
• If setting off in snow don’t rev the engine too much, try starting off gently in second gear, increasing speed slowly
• When driving in fog use dipped headlights and only switch on your fog-lights when you really need to
If you do get stuck in the snow...
• Clear the wheels and exhaust of snow
• Use sand, salt or an old piece of carpet under the tyres to get traction
In the event of an accident
In case of an accident you should get as much information as you can as soon as possible:
• Ask the drivers involved for their name and contact details including address
• Request the name of their insurers and if possible a policy or certificate number
• Make a note of the vehicle registration number along with the make, model and colour of any vehicles involved
• Make a note of any injuries or damage to other property
• Ask for the names and addresses of any witnesses before they leave the scene.