PACEY Manager
Insurance for nurseries and preschools

Insurance for PACEY Manager Members
Manager membership is new from PACEY for managers working in nurseries and preschools, giving them access to tailored resources, information, advice, and guidance.
Morton Michel is thrilled to be working in partnership with PACEY to provide their Manager members with access to our specialist Nursery and Preschool policies. We understand that insurance requirements can vary widely so our experienced team will work with each member to provide an insurance quotation tailored to their unique business needs.
A full comparison of the limits and covers provided under the Nursery and Preschool policy can be found by viewing our policy comparison document.
Nursery insurance
We understand your business will often have a variety of unique needs and our specialist Nursery insurance has been designed for UK registered full day care providers for children on non-domestic premises. This includes nurseries and larger preschools, Montessori schools, playgroups and kindergartens that wish to benefit from the additional sections of cover and higher inner limits provided under this policy.
Our Nursery policy is made up of a number of different components and is there to protect your business from everyday risks and automatically includes:
Public Liability
Public Liability insurance can help your business cover the costs of claims from third parties for injuries or loss.
There is no cover for fines, penalties and putative awards, and sports involving weapons. You must follow all relevant statutory requirements and take all reasonable precautions to prevent a loss.
Employers' Liability
Employers' Liability covers the cost of compensating employees who are injured at or become ill through work due to employers’ negligence.
You must take all reasonable precautions and comply with all relevant statutory requirements and you are not covered for fines penalties and punitive awards.
Legal Expenses
Legal Expenses is a way to help your business get access to legal support when you need it. It covers the costs of a legal dispute either made by or against you. It also provides a range of helplines for expert advice on business related legal and tax matters including employment law disputes.
You will not be covered for any claim with a less than 50% prospect of success, legal costs and expenses incurred without the insurers consent and claims not notified in a reasonable time. Helplines are subject to fair and reasonable use.
Property Damage
Property Damage provides cover for items of property detailed in the quotation, such as buildings and contents for accidental loss, destruction, or damage.
You will not be covered for non-physical damage or items you have chosen not to insure, theft of property in the open, loss, destruction or damage caused by wind, rain, hail, sleet, snow, flood, dust or falling trees to moveable property in the open.
Business Interruption
Business Interruption covers you for loss of income during periods when you cannot carry out business as usual due to an unexpected event.
You will not be covered for loss caused by damage excluded by the Property Damage section and if your interest in the business ceases other than by death or the business is wound up, insolvent or permanently discontinued.
Professional Indemnity
Professional Indemnity insurance is designed to protect you if a client or customer of yours loses money because of advice or services you've offered in connection with your business.
You will not be covered for claims or circumstances that you are aware of or that have been or should have been reported to a previous policy, bodily injury or property damage other than as provided for under Loss of or Damage to Documents.
Loss of Registration
Loss of Registration is there to protect you against a reduction in gross revenue, an increase in cost of working or a depreciation in the value of your interest in the business or premises following cancellation of your registration certificate by your registering authority. It also covers you for temporary suspension of your registration.
You will not be covered for your business being wound up by a liquidator or receiver, or permanently discontinued, any losses after 3 months from the registration suspension date or after registration reinstated, whichever is the earlier and circumstances which were partly or wholly within or under your control.
These are just some of the significant features, policy benefits, exclusions and limitations of the policy. Please see the policy summary guide for more details. Full terms and conditions can be found in the policy wording.
Preschool insurance
Our Preschool policy offers comprehensive cover for pre-schools, Montesorri schools, playgroups, kindergartens and creches, and is designed for registered and unregistered care providers looking after children aged up to 5 years.
As a trusted insurance provider for early years professionals, we understand the unique risks and challenges that preschools face. Our comprehensive Preschool policy is crafted to offer peace of mind and includes:
Public Liability
Public Liability insurance can help your business cover the costs of claims from third parties for injuries or loss.
There is no cover for fines, penalties and putative awards, and sports involving weapons. You must follow all relevant statutory requirements and take all reasonable precautions to prevent a loss.
Employers' Liability
Employers' Liability covers the cost of compensating employees who are injured at or become ill through work due to employers’ negligence.
You must take all reasonable precautions and comply with all relevant statutory requirements and you are not covered for fines penalties and punitive awards.
Legal Expenses
Legal Expenses is a way to help your business get access to legal support when you need it. It covers the costs of a legal dispute either made by or against you. It also provides a range of helplines for expert advice on business related legal and tax matters including employment law disputes.
You will not be covered for any claim with a less than 50% prospect of success, legal costs and expenses incurred without the insurers consent and claims not notified in a reasonable time. Helplines are subject to fair and reasonable use.
Business Interruption
Business Interruption covers you for loss of income during periods when you cannot carry out business as usual due to an unexpected event.
You will not be covered for loss caused by damage excluded by the Property Damage section and if your interest in the business ceases other than by death or the business is wound up, insolvent or permanently discontinued.
Professional Indemnity
Professional Indemnity insurance is designed to protect you if a client or customer of yours loses money because of advice or services you've offered in connection with your business.
You will not be covered for claims or circumstances that you are aware of or that have been or should have been reported to a previous policy, bodily injury or property damage other than as provided for under Loss of or Damage to Documents.
Product Liability
Product liability insurance protects you if your business’s products cause injury or damage to people or property.
You will not be covered for damage to products or the cost of making good or recalling such products or the cost of rectifying defective work whether incurred by you or others.
These are just some of the significant features, policy benefits, exclusions and limitations of the policy. Please see the policy summary guide for more details. Full terms and conditions can be found in the policy wording.
Professional Association For Childcare And Early Years (PACEY), is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Firm reference No. 310339. Registered in England and Wales under No. 02060964. Registered Office: Northside House (Third Floor), 69 Tweedy Road, Bromley, Kent, BR1 3WA.
PACEY acts as an Introducer to Morton Michel Ltd who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Firm reference No. 527300. Registered in England and Wales under No. 5120835. Registered Office: Rossington’s Business Park, West Carr Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7SW. Morton Michel Ltd is part of the PIB Group. PACEY and Morton Michel Ltd are not part of the same corporate group.