Industry news and insight

The latest news, views and industry insight from Morton Michel.

A decorative image of a small boy wearing a newsboys cap and shouting into a vintage loud hailer.

News, views and industry insight

This page is regularly updated to keep you informed on what's happening at Morton Michel and in the childcare sector.

Nov 2021

Festive First Aid Tip - Choking

The festive season is fast approaching, and lights, trees and toys make it a time of great delight and anticipation for little ones.

Nov 2021

Childcare Marketing Communication Strategy

The chances are if you’ve found your way here, you’re interested in growing your childcare business and you’re looking for tips and tricks to expedite this process! Well, you’ve come to the right pla ..........

Nov 2021

Say No To Frozen Pipes

Winter can be one of the very worst times for insurance claims. With this in mind, here are some tips to help prevent water escaping from your system.