Training from Morton Michel
Support for your business. Training for you and your staff

Keep ahead of the curve
As a Morton Michel policyholder, you are entitled to offers on Early Years training plus substantial discounts on first aid, child protection and CPD training courses.
Childminding UK
Childminding UK is an award-winning registered charity dedicated to providing support for childminders through membership, information, resources and online training. They support registered childminders and those looking to become registered, with the mission of promoting quality home-based childcare.
flick early years training
Free early years training.
Receive access to over 70 RoSPA-accredited and CPD-certified online courses from flick learning.
Child Protection Company
30% off childcare online safeguarding training courses
The Child Protection Company provides childcare-specific accredited online introductory and advanced safeguarding courses for individuals and/or organisations that offer flexibility, allowing learners to study at their own pace and at a time convenient for them. They are developed by safeguarding experts and are regularly updated, providing the latest guidance and best practices in child protection.
30% discount for Morton Michel policyholders!
Smart Horizons Online Training Courses
Enjoy 30% discount off all online courses including food hygiene, paediatric first aid, safeguarding and fire safety training courses.
Storyy Training
Bespoke training programmes for the Early Years Education, Health & Safety and Sports sectors.
Morton Michel policyholders can get a 12-month licence to Storyy's online platform for unlimited courses for just £99!
Flying Tots
Need to update your first aid knowledge? Get a flying start with Paediatric First Aid, Emergency First Aid at Work, and Mental Health Training Courses.
Flying Tots are offering all Morton Michel policyholders discounted first aid and mental health training courses!
Amanda's Action Club
Train your staff to confidently deliver outstanding physical development sessions in your setting.
An action packed, intensive two-hour physical development training session with the use of Amanda's Action Club app to access all of the music and instructional videos.
Making Digital Real by Mike Roberts
Rehumanise your business and unlock the secrets to digital success.
FREE access to Mike's vault for all Morton Michel policyholders including live events, downloadable e-books, training materials and courses!
Mine Conkbayir Consultancy
Brain-building through Neuroscience
The NCFE CACHE Level 2 Award is an Introduction to Neuroscience in Early Years, written by award-winning author, Dr Mine Conkbayir. The course is fully funded courtesy of the Education Skills Funding Agency and/or the European Social Fund.
British Red Cross
Discounted paediatric first aid training.
British Red Cross are offering policyholders a 10% discount on their paediatric first aid training.
Boogie Mites
Music for the early years.
Brain boosting music for children in their early years!
20% discount as well as a programme launch meeting for Morton Michel policyholders!
Natural Born Leaders
25% discount on the Active Learning Booster online training programme.
A self-paced hands-on online training program for Early Years Professionals and Primary Teachers who are ready to offer future-oriented education based on active experiential holistic learning
Busy Bees Education and Training
Discounted blended paediatric first aid training from Busy Bees Education and Training
Busy Bees Education and Training is a multi-award-winning, Ofsted Outstanding provider with over 15 years’ experience in delivering skills and training to the care, health and early years sectors.
Blended paediatric first aid training (12 hours) for only £60 + VAT for Morton Michel policyholders!
Discounts on maternity and childcare qualifications.
Babyem specialise in offering maternity and childcare qualifications in the UK and Internationally.
10% discount for Morton Michel policyholders.
Babyem – Scale & Thrive
The Scale and Thrive Program, gives you the tools, strategies, and support you need to successfully create more impact and income in your business with online group programmes for your clients.
All Morton Michel policyholders that join the program receive £100 off the cost of the program and 15 minute 'get started' call with Emma.
TLC (Technology, Learning, Childcare) training
Discounted training from distance-learning specialists, TLC.
TLC offer a wide and varied range of training opportunities to support the ongoing development of the Early Years Sector. You can access discounts on their training for you and your team.
Inspired Children
Discounted training for nurseries, out of school settings and schools.
Inspired Children delivers unique, award-winning training across the UK to any agency working with children with over 60 inspiring courses for nursery settings, out of school settings and schools.